24 Februari 2009

i, monday (good news)

hari ini (senin 23 feb) aku beres-beres kamar. masih berantakan sih, tapi dah mendingan :). ada beberapa ekor penghuni baru di kamar. thanks to mr. W. btw, he's just move out, got a job in jkt. there he goes my good uke in aikido. he left me some of his stuff. good news is now i can have my hot tea again :). bout a month ago, my water dispenser got broke. got a leak or something, flooded my room. months earlier, my water heater got broke. so bye-bye my hot tea... now my dispenser is fine and i've got a new heater :). i have a new and bigger book rack. so my not so many boooks are kinda well organized. though i still need at least one more, and more :), then i'll have to move to a bigger room. if i can afford one :) (both more rack and bigger rooom). and if everything's going well... in two months this PC is mine, and mine only :D. and i at least will still enjoy this free data access until first week of june. not bad :).

but i still can find a new job. not as easy as i thought before. i'm sure i'll get it sooner or later... :) and it suppposes to be my happy monday :D.

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